Monday, January 19, 2015

quick food (and other stuff) haul

Since I'm a nosey person and I love to see what's in other people's grocery bags and food hauls (you should see my You Tube history!) so I thought why not doing a mini food haul, Let's jump right in my shopping bag

light mayo .. gotta have it in my fridge
Tuna can .. for tomorrow's lunch sandwich
Kiwi .. favorite fruit at the moment 
lots of chocolate .. you never know when you're going to need it
baby wipes .. it's not food but I needed a new pack

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Thank you!

Hello dears

This week Girly Notes is going to be 4 years old .. my baby's growing so fast :)
Going through the old posts like this one, I realize I didn't know how to write a blog post, and this one, this picture was taken with an old Nokia cell camera! that doesn't mean that I'm a professional blogger now, I know I'm still learning but I just want to say thank you for every and each one who followed, shared, liked, or commented on a post. You're awesome! xo

P.S. Girly Notes on Facebook & Instagram & Twitter

Thursday, January 1, 2015

first post of 2015

Happy New Year! I hope all your dreams and wishes come true. xo
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